Tiffany Purnell has been an educator with Baltimore City Public schools
since July 2003. She was inspired over ten years ago to create stories
that not only taught wonderful life lessons but were exciting adventures
that children would love. Through fierce determination she has finally
embarked on this blessed assigned journey.
The three books that are available in the current collection are :
"Birthday Surprise", "Firsts" and "Its Showtime". "BIRTHDAY SUPRSE" Go along on this journey, for a SURPRISE. It will unfold before your eyes. “FIRSTS” displays ten individuals who were the first to do it. "ITS SHOWTIME" Is a book about having fun by turning your imagination all the way up. These literary experience are exciting and inventive exploration for our children.
Enjoy these works while there are many more works to be published, and some still to be written. Tiffany Purnell is looking forward to embracing her new adventure a budding writer.