Programs Tailor Made for All Needs
Changing our Community one person at a time!

Concord Community Development Corporation

TDOAS Faith Worshippers
Hello Everyone!! Here's the rehearsal video from last week for "All Night" by Alvin Darling.
5th Sunday Playlist Link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBH6PERL0Ai0Xa6TPV9b7DiIj5LgZDxd3
5th Sunday of this month, October 30th. We will meet at 9:15am to prepare & get dressed for church service beginning at 10am. (Concord Baptist Church 5204 Liberty Heights Ave Baltimore, MD 21207)
Next, we are hosting our annual Christmas Marching Parade on December 17th. We will meet at 8:30am & the parade will begin promptly at 10am.
We've also been invited to sing in a Christmas Concert on December 18th at 5225 Hamilton Avenue Baltimore, MD 21206. (We're singing "Joyful Joyful"; https://youtu.be/-KP3XizrZHQ)
Hey everyone! Just a reminder that we will rehearse Friday at 6:30pm be. Please confirm whether or not you are riding the van.
Hello Everyone! Just a reminder that we are rehearsing this Friday @6:30pm and this Saturday, we are filming "Higher Medley" from the Joyful Noise Movie.
Please rehearse the song before you come. Here's the Link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7GK2Q5iWelQnP4SlC_h_Tqwk75UzMegi